Sunday, June 1, 2008

Arts and Crafts With Ilona

I am finally home from my mortgage training, and it's kind of nice to not be living out of a suitcase anymore. I had a lot of fun staying with Marty and Ilona. I am really grateful to have in-laws that I get along with so well. Ilona and I discovered that "Ticket to Ride" is really fun with just two people. In fact, you can play more rounds of it because it goes a lot faster. We got a little carried away, playing about 20 times. :)

We also had a lot of fun raiding all of the bead and craft stores in Layton. For Ilona's birthday, I had made her a really cute bracelet. She liked it so much that she wanted another one. I wanted one, too, so we went to town! This is what we came up with:


  1. Rachel those are beautiful! I'd totally buy one from you. How much would you sell one for?

  2. oh my goodness, i love "ticket to ride!" it's so fun! did you play america or europe?

  3. Rachel I love the bracelets! They are beautiful!

  4. hi! my name is javier Sadorquist from Argentina,I`m lookindg for Bryce hunsaker,we lost contact from the mission in Chile, could you send him my e-mail? it is / or send me his e-mail.i`ll be very grate full.Congratulation for your wedding it looks very nice

  5. kinda ditto to all the other comments...can i put in an order?
