One of my favorite things about fall weather is that I can wear my tall boots again. I've got black ones and brown ones, pointy-toed with high heels, important essentials to my cold-weather wardrobe. I can wear them with all of my cute skirts, and I've enjoyed doing that at least once a week since it started to cool down. See, I love skirts, but I LOATHE nylons, and to be perfectly honest....*sometimes I'm too busy to shave my legs.* With my tall boots and calf-length skirts, I don't have to worry about either! Not usually, anyhow.
Today I had a bit of a mishap. After hitting my snooze button for an hour, I finally got up to get ready for work. In the shower, I contemplated shaving at least my calves and knees, knowing that the skirt/boots combo was in the forecast. Unfortunately, with my lazy morning I hadn't left myself much time for anything beyond the essentials. I hurriedly finished glamourizing, then ran out the door, counting on my stylish ensemble to cover my shamefully hairy legs. As I ran, I realized how swishy my skirt was, and that it was shorter than I'd remembered, so when I sat down I had to kind of slump forward in my chair and twist my legs funny so no one would notice my prickly knees! I spent the whole day hiding behind my desk, or smoothing my skirt down and standing in strange, contorted positions so that other people wouldn't see...
I am shaving my legs in the morning.
january 1- january 26 2020
5 years ago